作者都是各自领域经过审查的专家,并撰写他们有经验的主题. 我们所有的内容都经过同行评审,并由同一领域的Toptal专家验证.
Alvaro Villena
验证专家 在项目管理方面

Alvaro is a skilled project manager with extensive experience in Scrum and 敏捷.



在一个不确定的环境中, when it is crucial for businesses to be open to change, 项目经理有责任带领他们的团队度过转型时期. 然而, 许多项目经理努力管理和建立与团队的成功关系, 即使在稳定时期. 采用仆人式领导的哲学赋予项目经理一种超能力: 影响团队的能力 没有直接的权力,这允许项目经理在整个组织中推动变更.


组织中仆人式领导概念的出现与敏捷的诞生同时发生. 敏捷认为对组织的成功和成长至关重要的价值观类似于仆人式领导者的价值观:将领导者的主要关注点放在人和他们之间的互动上, working in a collaborative environment, 创造价值.


敏捷采用了仆人式领导的概念,并围绕它创造了一个开创性的角色——团队教练. 在最广泛的 敏捷框架, Scrum, this leader is called the scrum master and 被定义为仆人式领袖 谁通过将团队与组织的愿景联系起来来培养敏捷性的环境. 为了实现这个目标, 敏捷仆人式领导者促进围绕目标的沟通,并指导团队变得自治和跨职能. 结果是, 它们提高了过程效率, enable organizations to adapt and evolve, 并产生预期的结果.

Servant-leaders in 敏捷 act through a particular mindset, 技能, and knowledge that emphasizes involving others in decision-making. This model has a strong base in ethical and caring behavior. 斯皮尔斯中心 已经确定了 10 characteristics that are critically important to the work of servant-leaders.

10 characteristics of a servant-leader

当表达正确时, servant-leadership in 敏捷 is a powerful tool that can boost employee performance, 启用业务变更, and increase commitment to the organization’s vision.

A Servant-leadership Framework for Organizational 改变

让我们从探索 servant-leadership framework for organizational change, a model that integrates servant-leadership style with the Unfreeze-改变-Refreeze模型 这被认为是Kurt Lewin提出的,被许多人视为管理变革的经典方法.

An Altruistic Calling and Commitment to Growth

仆人式领导的基础是一种利他主义的召唤,即为他人服务,而不仅仅是追求自身利益, 这是, a selfless initiative to help without expecting a personal reward. 从领导的角度来看, this call invites the leader to seek reconciliation instead of confrontation, to 建立社区意识 instead of tolerating separation, and to accept differences within the organization. The next step—a commitment to supporting the 专业和个人成长 of people—creates greater harmony in the organization, which is foundational to implementing business change.

Servant-leadership framework for organizational change


The change unfreezing process begins when a leader starts 积极地倾听 确定人们的需求. 第一个阶段让员工准备好接受改变,这将导致打破现有的现状,建立一个新的范式. 改变管理的关键是 远见——通过预测不久的将来, 项目领导开发了一个引人注目的远景信息,向人们展示为什么当前的工作流不能继续下去. To develop this message, they must use their 同理心 以及对人们需求的了解.

这通常是一个困难和忙碌的时期,所以仆人式领导需要找到方法 情感治愈. 传递人们的需求将得到满足的信心是建立变革势头的第一步. In order to overcome psychological distress, servant-leaders assist followers by:

  • 积极倾听人们的沮丧,这样他们就可以腾出时间和空间来自我意识和沟通他们的需求
  • Taking action to address people’s needs and delivering the necessary changes; injecting positivity
  • 传达清晰的变革愿景和目标,以设定正确的期望,并为员工提供结构

Many of these actions derive from a leader’s wisdom as they become 意识到 of their own and their team’s emotions and desires. The servant-leader leverages this knowledge to make well-informed, conscious decisions about the change process.


This is where people start to resolve uncertainty and look for new ways to adapt. By using data, facts, and reasoning, a servant-leader influences people—this means 说服 他们需要采用一种新的思维方式. 劝导明确区分了传统的领导优先模式和仆人式领导模式:仆人式领导让人们觉得是他们做了决策或参与了决策, rather than having it imposed by an authority.

而智慧则帮助领导者 概念化 and define the building blocks of change, 说服通过鼓励人们提出新的倡议并致力于已经达成一致的倡议,从而打开了吸引人们的大门. 仆人式领袖的开头是:

  • 确定人们的长处和技能,对他们的优点给予积极的反馈
  • 向人们展示如何运用他们的优点来克服挑战,这将使组织更接近其愿景
  • 帮助人们在短期内制定和实施可实现的行动计划


The refreeze stage occurs when the organization internalizes the changes. 在新常态确立之后, the servant-leader’s role changes to ensuring consistency and timeliness. 他们通过清楚地传达整个组织都有责任维持变革来做到这一点.

组织管理 暗指领导者和团队都愿意承担责任 组织的福利. 要做到这一点,仆人式领袖 建立社区意识 整个组织. 他们鼓励人们:

  • Show sensitivity, compassion, and emotional intelligence to 在组织内部产生共鸣
  • Take accountability for negative results of a change
  • Positively reinforce new behaviors by recognizing and celebrating changes


By applying the servant-leadership framework for organizational change, 项目经理 can more successfully manage the transformation process. When people recognize that leaders respond to their needs, they are more likely to embrace and support these changes. 人 start sharing the ownership of what they built together with their leader, and the organization becomes more transparent.

自下而上的领导方式也让员工感到他们得到了来自管理者的社会支持. 这种模式有助于为领导者和组织建立信任,是创造积极性的关键因素, where employees express pride in being part of the organization.

最后, 在项目管理中培养仆人式领导的特点,可以提高个人和团队实现在公司发展中发挥重要作用的目标的潜力.

The First Step Is Always the Hardest

仆人式领导技能帮助项目经理防止或抵制对变革的抵制. By cultivating a mindset to serve others in their leadership practices, 项目经理 are better equipped to prepare their teams to change. Spreading the servant attitude is usually the hardest step to make, 但是敏捷环境的总体好处是巨大的——流程是在一个结构化的、同理心的方法中进行的,团队和个人都参与其中,并赋予他们权力.


  • 怎样才能成为一个好的仆人式领袖?

    一个好的仆人式领导者首先服务他人的需要,而不是追求自己的利益和野心. 他们积极倾听人们的需求和愿望,并将其与业务目标结合起来. 仆人型领导者使用同理心和说服,而不是传统的权力方法来影响人们.

  • 什么是仆人式领导模式?

    A servant leadership model is a management style that was developed by Robert K. 1975年的格林利夫. He argued that leaders should be servants to others first, 而不是领导者优先, 让他人参与决策, and create harmony within the organization.

  • What are the characteristics of a servant leader?

    仆人式领导有10个共同特点:积极倾听, 同理心, 疗愈, 意识, 说服, 概念化, 远见, 管理, 承诺人的成长, 和社区建设.

  • What is the mindset of a servant leader?

    A servant leader focuses on serving others first, listening and responding to people’s needs, involving others in decision-making, 致力于人的成长, 用同理心说服他们.

  • What are some examples of servant leadership?

    You can find some examples of servant leadership in history: Mahatma Gandhi, 特蕾莎修女, 马丁·路德·金., 和纳尔逊·曼德拉都被认为是仆人式领袖的典范,他们把别人的需要放在自己的需要之前,推动了深刻的社会变革.

Alvaro Villena

Alvaro Villena

验证专家 在项目管理方面




Alvaro is a skilled project manager with extensive experience in Scrum and 敏捷.

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